suspected of crime young man questioned by police

Crime in Jozi CBD Terrifies Inner-City Residents

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Johannesburg is now considered one of the biggest crime zones in South Africa, leaving many residents and visitors to the inner city worried and devastated by this reality.

On 29 June 2024, a few people expressed, through interviews, how they felt about the current crime rate experienced in Johannesburg City. Mr Joseph Hlophe a member of Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD) said “Government needs more man power to help solve the crime rate in Johannesburg”.

Hlophe stated that crime increased after the 2010 Soccer World Cup. The crime issue also impacts businesses, in the Johannesburg CBD said, Samson Opara, a business owner in Johannesburg CBD. He also states that his business is going down due to customers scared to come to the CBD for his services because of high crime rate. Opara also said that sometimes police pass by whenever they see a crime happening and they just take a bribe and continue with theeir way. This leads to high rate of crime.

Mathokozisa Ngema, a passer- by, says the during leadership of white government during old days, crime was much better compared to the crime rate now because, white government used to put very strict measures to stop crime. He also added that if the government was creating job opportunities the crime would at least be reduced and the CDB would become better place.

“The government should increase more cops and provide more strict measure to prevent crime from happening and also bring back death sentence in the country”, said Ngema.

The crime has negative impact in our country, and it decreases the number of tourists in the country. The government should do more than what they’re doing now to help fight the crime in the country.

This article was submitted on 29 June 2024. You may republish this article, so long as you credit the authors and Karibu! Online (, and do not change the text. Please include a link back to the original article.

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