Gaza truce extended by two days as prisoner and hostage exchange continues

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The four-day truce between Israel and Hamas was set to expire on Tuesday morning. 33
Palestinian prisoners are set to be released on Monday.

The truce between Israel and Hamas was extended by two more days on Monday,
November 27. The extension was first announced by an official of the Qatari foreign
ministry and confirmed by Hamas. The four-day truce was set to expire on Tuesday

The release of Palestinian prisoners and Israeli captives is likely to continue on Monday.
According to reports, 33 Palestinian prisoners are likely to be released in return for 11
Israeli captives being freed. In the first three days of the truce, 119 Palestinian prisoners
were released. 49 Israeli captives and 17 foreign citizens were also released.

The four-day pause in the attack on Gaza held for the most part except for several
instances of Israeli violations. These violations momentarily jeopardized the truce and
delayed the exchange of prisoners and hostages after Hamas threatened to withdraw from
the deal but mediation by Qatar and Egypt helped resolve the situation.

Over the past three days, the release of Palestinian women and child prisoners was
welcomed by thousands who waved flags and shouted slogans in support and solidarity.
Emotional scenes circulated on social media of former prisoners embracing their families
after years in prison and zero communication since October 7.

Meanwhile, Israeli security forces continued to sporadically target Palestinian civilians in
Gaza, as well as in the occupied West Bank. On Monday, at least 56 Palestinians were
detained in the occupied West Bank, according to Wafa News.

Israeli forces also shot and killed a farmer in Central Gaza in an area near the Al-Maghazi
refugee camp on Sunday, with another Palestinian suffering injuries. Seven more
Palestinians who were fired upon by Israeli forces with live gunfire near the Al-Quds and
Indonesian hospitals sustained injuries.

Israeli forces also conducted raids on Sunday and Saturday in the occupied West Bank,
killing at least eight people. So far, since October 7, when Israel launched its genocidal
war in Gaza, Israeli forces have killed more than 239 Palestinians, injured more than 3000
others, and detained at least 3,160 in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, according to Palestinian official statistics. In Gaza, the death toll stands at an estimated 15,000 and over 33,000 injured.

This article was syndicated from Peoples Dispatch ( and was
originally published on 27 November 2023.

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