Intlungu YaseMatyotyombeni Movement press statement condemning corruption in the City of Cape Town and the attack on the black working-class community

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Intlungu YaseMatyotyombeni is a social movement based in Cape Town, organizing land occupations. Its conception is 2020, organizing unemployed, evicted people during 2019, people who have been on the housing waiting list, people who have been working short hours during, the pandemic of 2019, organizing backyards and landless people. IYM has members from the land occupations in and out of Khayelitsha, during the Covid- 19 period. The movement is organizing the working-class community in Cape Town, to fight for basic services, water, housing, decent jobs, electricity, and Toilets. As a result of the failed City of Cape Town to meet our demands. IYM is a fighting social movement that has been exposing the City of Cape Town’s injustices, of criminalizing land occupations in Cape Town, using law enforcement, to take people’s houses, and arresting people at the land occupations. IYM doesn’t affiliate with any political party, it is a radical movement, which believes in confronting the government on the streets and has trust in the street boardroom.

IYM condemning and rejecting, the City of Cape Town’s corruption and the Malusi Booi scandal, indicates how the City of Cape uses Tender processes, to enrich companies. Our observations and our experience of trying to engage the city. The City of Cape Town has managed to marginalize black working-class communities when it comes to basic services. Currently, the project that is taking place on our 16 Land Occupation affiliates, has shown and exposed the City of Cape Town’s corruption. The City of Cape Town has imposed itself, has no transparency, is not democratic, and has exposed its racist features, the so-called container temporal toilets.

Intlungu says the City of Cape Town’s corruption is linked to failed Neoliberal approach, which promotes the privatization of basic services in the form of a Tender process. According to the corruption Watch about 125, reports and complaints were made in the City of Cape Town. South African Municipalities and Metros are corrupt, and they use tender processes, to steal the money of local government and senior officials, and are involved in briberies. Municipalities and Metros are gaining their corruption from sanitation, by not providing dignified basic services, choosing the tender process to steal money, and pocketing from the pain of the black working class. The budget from the human settlement National minister was meant to deliver adequate toilets and taps but the city now only installed container toilets with no taps. And this is very clear that the city doesn’t care about the health of the receivers of these undignified toilets. We know that many land occupations will be facing risks of TB and another related disease. Women will have to face challenges, related to STIs, rape, killings on their way to find a toilet, and so on, due to the corruption of the City of Cape Town.

Hence Intlungu is condemning the City of Cape corruption and tendering process, which is not based on solving working-class communities’ problems. The framework of neoliberalism in local government has failed, instead, the City of Cape Town has been punishing communities.

IYM rejects Local government which operates like a business, where communities are depending on tenders, which are for-profit on community problems.

For further information contact:

Bells: 07398941119
Ntomboxolo: 0828049016
Wiseman: 073 6855039

This press statement was released by Intlungu YaseMatyotyombeni on 30 March 2023.

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