South Africa’s crisis of democracy continues to deepen. Mandela’s negotiated settlement and his neoliberal policies (still firmly rooted in the ANC government), has failed to bring about systematic social and economic change for the majority. The Marikana Massacre in 2012 confirmed this organic crisis ravaging society when the state’s armed forces violently resolved a ‘labour issue’ of platinum workers for increased wages. This reflects the impossibility to ‘democratise’ capitalism in South Africa, given the ruling class historic and insatiable desire for ultra-high profits based on exploitation. The ruling ANC government is a comprador one, with all the weaknesses and inabilities to harness society towards a progressive project for the country.
Besides the widespread impoverishment, neoliberalism has attacked the working class solidaristic and cultural forms of defence, and the very fabric that promotes common decency and respect, which withstood apartheid and enabled people to unite against a common enemy. Today we see the working class ‘turning in on itself’ as it struggles to survive.
We need to develop a common understanding of the sources of the crisis in South Africa, to revive the memory of community struggles, the anti-apartheid struggle and struggles internationally; and to organise alternative solidaristic forms of survival to counter neoliberalism. Karibu! provides one such platform for working people to engage, debate and connect to each other. We encourage you to read at home and at work, and to form reading groups.
Arm yourself with knowledge! Organise!