Growth is inevitable going by the rate of book fair-based events, which are interestingly increasing, and which indicate a positive change in South Africa. On 25 March 2023 one such event took place at the Constitutional Hill, in Hillbrow, Johannesburg.
What is interesting is that we were in the midst of young black authors who in their books talked about the challenges and obstacles that are standing between South Africa and growth. Most importantly the causes of those obstacles and how we can move forward. Tshilidzi, a young author emphasised in his book’s review. Tshilidzi is young and is representing the youth. Perhaps the new generation is more aware of their surrounding and therefore with a full comprehension of the basis of issues and challenges, it would be much easier to establish solutions and try to save our country.
A much younger author named Precious (11) years of age wrote a book on bullying. The book discusses a lot about the causes of bullying, where it can happen, different types of bullying and lastly a chapter on the reader playing their part. This fact also highlights the potential of the new generation to change our society through knowledge. The review served as a reminder and reinforcer to parents on the effects bullying has, how it starts, and how one can respond to it.
The book is insightful as bullying is happening in schools. If many people are aware and educated about bullying the rate at which it is happening would decrease, if not destroyed.
Many other young authors and children were present. This is good for the growth of our country and for organisations that are implementing these events.
This article is an opinion piece submitted on 27 March 2023. The views expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect those of Karibu! Online or Khanya College. You may republish this article, so long as you credit the authors and Karibu! Online (, and do not change the text. Please include a link back to the original article.