suspected of crime young man questioned by police

Crime in Jozi CBD Terrifies Inner-City Residents

"Johannesburg is now considered one of the biggest crime zones in South Africa, leaving many residents and visitors to the inner city worried and devastated by this reality. On 29 June 2024, a few people expressed, through interviews, how they..."

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crime fighting unit amapanya with saps officers at mary fitzgerald square in johannesburg

Crime in Johannesburg Central Business District

"Crime has been a growing concern for years within the Central Business District (CBD) in Johannesburg. The crime rate only seems to be growing and little to nothing effective is being done to combat crime. I went around Johannesburg CBD..."

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Youth Concern over Conditions During MAD

"More than 250 people made their way to Ext 1 Eldorado Park at PUSH (Persevere Until Something Happens) responding to an invitation by Khanya College. The invitation to community members to come for a Mass Advice Day (MAD) took place..."

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Budget Cuts Leave GBV Survivors in the Cold

"South Africa, a country grappling with rising gender-based violence (GBV), femicide, and violence against children, has a government that contradicts its words with actions. Despite assurances of working tirelessly to address GBV, the government continues to sabotage organisations fighting against..."

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Scrap Yards Becoming a Burden in Our Township

"Scrap yards, once seen as a means of recycling and income generation, are increasingly becoming a burden in our communities. These yards, meant to be sustainability centres for many families, are now sources of environmental degradation, health hazards, and economic..."

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