Palestinian Journalists’ Union Condemns International Mainstream Media for Enabling Genocide

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The union called out journalists and news outlets around the world for employing dehumanising language and being complicit in genocide. The Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate, in a statement on its website on November 3, slammed global and western mainstream media organisations for biased coverage of Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza.

The journalists’ union accused global news media, particularly Western media, of being a “facilitator” and enabler of Israel’s genocide against Palestinians, by providing the state with journalistic cover and justification to commit its atrocities and war crimes in Gaza.

“When, for example, the Israeli and US governments suggested—with no evidence whatsoever—that the Palestinian Health Ministry had inflated the number of Palestinians registered as killed in Gaza, many news agencies uncritically adopted this talking point,” the statement read. “By engaging in such unfounded speculation—driven by the propaganda of the Israeli war machine—media organisations are facilitating the mass death of Palestinians and laying the groundwork for a genocide.”

It noted that “much of the global media, particularly Western media outlets, have mindlessly repeated Israeli government talking points and used dehumanising language when referring to Palestinians. In so doing, these media organisations have utterly failed to adhere to fundamental journalistic principles of objectivity and integrity.”

In regard to the ongoing war on Gaza, the union’s statement noted that so far since October 7, Israeli forces have killed 25 Palestinian journalists and 9 other media workers. The Israeli airstrikes have directly targeted at least 35 journalists and their homes, killing a slew of family members and relatives of the journalists, with the union concluding that the homes of 20 of the 25 journalists were likely deliberately attacked.

According to the union, this was not surprising at all, as the Israeli security forces have a history of targeting journalists in occupied Palestine, having killed 55 Palestinian journalists between 2000 to Israel has repeatedly cut off all telecommunication services in Gaza, including telephone, mobile and internet services, along with also heavily restricting and disrupting satellite communication services. It has done so in order to hinder Palestinians in Gaza from contacting the outside world and from using social media to document and expose Israeli atrocities and war crimes. So far, Israeli security forces have killed more than 10,000 Palestinians. Close to 26,000 Palestinians have been wounded.

The syndicate calls upon journalists, trade unions and news agencies around the world to “publicly condemn the targeting of Palestinian journalists and take all possible measures to support Palestinian journalists.”

This article has been shortened and was syndicated from Peoples ( and was originally published on 07 November 2023.


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