#ZUMAMUSTFALL March – 18 December 2015

On the 16th of December 2015, the Unite Against Corruption and the many people of South Africa, came together to reject the corruptive cancer at the core of the government. They gathered at 10:00am, on the Braamfontein side of the Nelson Mandela Bridge. The march was attended by mostly white people and a number of black people. It was led by Zwelinzima Vavi, Terror Lekota, (President of COPE), Sibusiso Xaba (Deputy President of PAC) and a representative from Nactu.

“Those inside and outside of the ANC must now publicly demand that President Zuma vacate his office without delay, and take with him all those who are part of his corruptive network in government, in state owned enterprises and in business,” said the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania, Deputy President Sibusiso Xaba. “All those who have corrupted our society must be ready to face criminal investigation! Our democratic society is in mortal danger!”, he added.

Vavi said, “Zuma, you have failed the poor. You have failed the working class. You have failed the South Africans who have the brains to think independently.” He continued, saying, the President of South Africa must be chosen by the people and not Parliament. “Zuma has destroyed every legacy the ANC built since 1994 when Mandela was president. The only way South Africans can move forward from the culture of corruption that has been getting bigger and bigger is to change drastically by removing Zuma,” he added. “We will not let corruption continue. Zuma must fall! Zuma must fall! Zuma must fall!”

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