Arekopaneng Empowerment Organisation

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Arekopaneng Empowerment Organisation was formed in November 2022. It is based in Kliptown at a church. The organisation is not registered but is in the process of registering with the Department of Social Development (DSD) as a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO). The organisation does not have any funding, they sell chips to generate income to provide meals for the children and sustain themselves.

This organisation was formed to respond to the struggle that the working class faced in the Eldorado Park community. They assist children with homework as they do not get support at home. There is a lot of unemployment and substance abuse in the area, the organisation wants to raise awareness and empower the youth in the organisation and the community. The organisation was formed by Nakita Frans. It has 5 members who work and volunteer for the organisation. The organisation has partnered with other organisations to train the youth and they also assist them with applying for R350 social relief grants. Decisions are made by the members of the organisation. Their activities include reading classes, playing indigenous games and homework assistance. They have not initiated any campaigns yet because the organisation is still new. The organisation currently does not have any newsletter and it is struggling with funds. The organisation does not have any code of conduct.

This article was submitted as part of the Imbila Yesu publication produced daily for the duration of the Winter School in 2023 (23-28 July 2023). It appeared in Edition No.2, released on 25 July 2023.

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