Boekenhouthoek Community Neglected by Municipality


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In Boekenhouthoek (a village in Mpumalanga province) loadshedding is killing the community because there are thieves who steal the cables at night when the electricity is being loadshed for those hours.

There is also shortage of water due to the unfinished pipes and lack of resources. The worse thing about this is that the municipality just gave only certain communities water tanks, while other villages don’t have water. We have holes all around our areas where they dug for placing the pipes but they didn’t finish the piping and they didn’t close the holes properly. Now they are wide open and they are dangerous for our kids in the community.

The roads that the municipal construction teams have been busy fixing for a long time are still unfinished. They focus only on their own interests while there are big holes in the street that they created. Now when it rains the sand that they put on the pavements next to the roads is washed into the roads.

This article was submitted on 4 June 2021 2021 and first published in the Forum News May-June 2021 edition. You may republish this article, so long as you credit the authors and Karibu! Online (, and do not change the text. Please include a link back to the original article.


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