Sonderwater Community Meet with Mayor and Councilor to Demand Proper Services

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On 30 May 2021 the informal settlement community of Sonderwater Ext 12 in Ward 9 of JB Marks municipality called a meeting with the councillor of the ward and mayor of the municipality (in North West province). The community called the meeting because they have been staying in these informal settlements for more than 30 years without proper public services. The municipality has violated the community’s constitutional rights such water, proper sanitation.

Other nearby communities raised similar matters at the meeting, including lack of roads. It’s been more than ten years for some since they have been paying for services but the location is yet to be proclaimed (officially declared and acknowledged by the municipality). On top of this the community of ward 9 still don’t have the title deeds of their RDPs or their stands.

At the meeting, the community asked the mayor and councillor to give them water because they need to wash their hands now especially due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They also asked for temporary toilets and for proper roads that ambulances and police cars can use.

The community gave the municipality’s officials seven working days to attend to their concerns.

This article was submitted on 5 June 2021 and first published in the Forum News May-June 2021 edition. You may republish this article, so long as you credit the authors and Karibu! Online (, and do not change the text. Please include a link back to the original article.

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