Calm streets of Soweto

There has been seven days of calm in the busy streets of Moletsane (Soweto), as residents are trying by all means to abide to the Lockdown measures. The longest of queues were found in shopping centres, that snaked like a big anaconda forming C’s and S’s, long enough to go through the building and outside the centre. Everyone was patiently waiting to get their turn so they could get the essential needs. Some were disappointed that they stood for a long time but did not find what they needed inside the shop.

On Friday evening, 27 April, mob justice nearly took place right in my streets. Two intoxicated men from Mapetla hostel tried to mug a lady coming from the shops but when they failed they tried by all means to ask for forgiveness from the crowd.

Kids have been roaming the streets, playing, treating the lockdown as if its a holiday. When asking one, their response was that if their uncle could do it and there is no police or army in our streets, then we are free. “Coronavirus isn’t here to kill us. [It’s killing] those who have been traveling abroad”, one child said. They do not know that they could be carrying the coronavirus and spreading it without knowing. I then asked the scholars why are they in the streets, explaining that if they don’t have books to read, there are several online free platforms to use and learn from. Their response was that they do not have books to read, their textbooks stay at school, and they do not have cellphones or data.

The majority of residents in Moletsane are aware of the coronavirus, but the problem seems to be that they are ‘bored’ and tired of being in the house all day with nothing to do.

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