RSOs Host Protest for Sudan and Congo

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On March 1, students gathered on the steps of Suzzallo Library to stand in solidarity with individuals impacted by the conflicts in Sudan and the Congo. The protest was hosted by UW’s Black Student Union (BSU), Black Student Journal, Somali Student Association, and African Student Association.

During the protest, organisers advocated for King County legislators to increase support for Sudanese and Congolese refugees. Past advocacy efforts by the BSU have included supply drives and donation initiatives for refugees in Washington impacted by the crises.

“Today we gather to discuss a matter of great urgency and concern — the ongoing genocide and conflict in Sudan,” one of the protest’s speakers said. “The situation unfolding in my country demands not just our attention, but our collective action and solidarity… It is our moral obligation as a community to stand in solidarity with the people of Sudan… to work tirelessly towards an immediate resolution and ceasefire.”

Other organisers also encouraged protesters to show solidarity for those impacted by the war in Gaza. One speaker read a poem that emphasized the importance of resistance to all unjust conflicts.

“Don’t stop resisting,” the speaker said. “Even if there’s no end to this war, and you have nothing left to fight for, don’t stop resisting.”

Leadership for the BSU and the Black Student Journal did not respond to a request for comment.

This article was syndicated from The Daily ( and was originally published on 04 March 2024. You may republish this article, so long as you credit the author, and do not change the text. Please include a link back to the original article (RSOs host protest for Sudan and Congo | News |

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