Corona Virus Updates

Corona Virus Updates

May Day 2020 and the Heritage of Struggles From Below

May Day as International Workers’ Day was born in the crucible of the heroic and militant struggles against exploitation and domination. With its origins in the struggle for a shorter working day, today May Day is celebrated by workers as a public holiday to pay homage to this heritage of struggle. It is also a day on which workers take stock of their…

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Corona Virus Updates

May Day Amidst COVID-19

Everyyear since 1889, workers across the globe have gathered in theirnumbers to celebrate Labour Day, the contribution of the workers insociety. This year has been unique and very different to most yearssince International Workers Day was first celebrated. In December2019, a new virus was first noticed in China’s Hubei province, andespecially around the city of Wuhan. Since then,…

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