The South African Economy – Before, During and After Covid-19- 19 Sept. 15h30

Date and Time: 19 September 2020, 15:30 – 17:00
Venue: Zoom and Facebook Live

Zoom Registration Link: click here.

The South African economy has been the subject of intense debate since the government declared a National State of Disaster in March this year. In that time groups of economists, and many in civil society organisations and social movements have differed publicly with the course taken by the Treasury and the government in steering the economy through COVID-19. For many COVID-19 has revealed the deep fault-lines of poverty and inequality that have been building up in South Africa over the last 25 odd years. Join Khanya College at the Jozi Book Fair as we host a panel of speakers who have watched the South African economy over decades, to debate the past, present and future of the South African economy and what this means for ordinary South Africans.


Pali Lehohla
Former Statistician General of Statistics South Africa.

Basani Baloyi
Dr Basani Baloyi, is a feminist development economist and activist. She is Oxfam South Africa inequality lead in the Economic Justice Unit. Basani has 10 years research experience. Her functional expertise are in policy analysis and research management, movement building, public campaigning and advocacy. Her thematical expertise are in Economic & Gender Inequality, Work & Wages. She is also a board member at the Southern Center for Inequality Studies. Dr Baloyi holds a PhD in Economics from the School of Oriental and African Studies, MA in Public Policy and an Mcom in Economics from Wits University.

Hameda Deedat
Hameda Deedat is currently director of Naledi, the research arm for COSATU. An activist at heart with passion and expertise in the areas of water, gender, climate change and the just transition, 4IR and the future of work. For Naledi, understanding the macroeconomic context within which we work, the political economy implications and the impact on workers and the working class is imperative. Hameda heads Naledi as the first black woman and aims to work together with civil society organisations, trade union and workers across federations, and eminent economist to discuss, debate, engage and agitate towards an alternative economic trajectory for South Africa.

Patrick Bond
Patrick Bond is Professor at the University of the Western Cape School of Government in Cape Town, having also taught at Wits University and the University of KwaZulu Natal from 1997-2019. He pursued doctoral studies in economic geography at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore under David Harvey’s supervision, and was an activist in anti-apartheid, student, urban community, labour and international solidarity movements. His best-known book is Elite Transition: From Apartheid to Neoliberalism in South Africa.

Jacklyn Cock
Jacklyn Cock is a professor of sociology at Wits University and a Research Associate of SWOP. She considers herself an activist – academic and is active in the environmental justice movement.

Oupa Lehulere
Director of Khanya College.

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Visit the Jozi Book Fair Facebook Page here.

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