As i float between space and time

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As i float between space and time, between the melodies of history and the harmonies of memory, i dance silently thinking of you…
i dare say its hard for you to negotiate life in this moment in time without me but i am taken to the unwritten and unwavering pledge we made to each other when we first laid eyes on each other… that pledge to live with love, to abide by honour, that pledge that was steeped in honesty and loyalty to each other… and by doing so for each other we were able to dedicate our pledge to love life to its fullest, embrace the birth of our beautiful baby daughter, Searatoa, we were able to journey together and navigate the pitfalls and hardships but also be mesmerized by the beauty and joy that life offered…

i could not do it alone… nor could i do it any other way without you… we became US because of each other… i saw in you a shadow of me thus making us one…

The journey we undertook evolved into a resilience… a resilience so radiant it shines on me thru the fog… i believe that this resilience is the inspiration from which you will continue to grow, continue to love and fight, continue to contribute to humanity because of your humanity…

i may not be here but i am here… i am not ahead or behind you… i am right beside you… i live thru you… i see thru your eyes as you see thru mine…
i live in your heart… so just look into yourself and you will find me there…

Aluta Continua

This poem was submitted by Firoza and Jeremy Karodia in tribute for the memorial of Oupa Lehulere. You may republish it, so long as you credit the authors and Karibu! Online (, and do not change the text. Please include a link back to the original article.


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