COVID 19 – East Rand Living a Normal Life

By Kgaogelo Leso
2 April 2020

COVID-19 is becoming an issue in Daveyton, on the East Rand of Gauteng. Since after the President has announced the lockdown in South Africa, people are still going about their normal lives. People don’t know much about it, and some are making comments that coronavirus will not affect them. They say its a “colonial illness”. I found some people sitting at the corner stores with their marijuana and tobacco. Kids, aged 4 to 12 years old, were playing in the streets. What worries me is that there those who pick up things and put it in their mouth. Some play near to the clinic and it has been alleged that there are two cases which were confirmed positive in the Daveyton Ext Clinic. At least in some parts of Daveyton, in ward 68, people were indoors. Some houses had sanitisers, but very few people were following the safety precautions. Shops owned by immigrants are being affected more seriously than our South africans because they have been forced to close. While deploying the SANDF to the townships government should also deliver things like bread and milk to township households. We should try to stay indoor and follow all safety precautions.

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