R2K Demands Government Address Corruption and Accountability

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On Friday, 2 October 2020, activists from the Right to Know Campaign (R2K), Khanya College, and the Gauteng Community Health Care Forum picketed at the Offices of the Department of Health (DoH) in Commissioner street, Johannesburg. Cde Mam-Mthembu from R2K, said they wanted to highlight ‘COVID-19 Corruption’ in the DoH. “We want the government to fire all those corrupt officials, not just suspend them,” she said. “This was a peaceful picket, and as Right to Know we want the government to address the corruption and accountability in a systematic way,” she said.

Another of the picketers who did not want to be named demanded action be taken. “Not Jerusalema dance! How can we dance on an empty stomach?” he asked. “The aim of the picket is to say we want the government to fast track [the process] and charge all corrupt officials, and they must payback the money they looted from the taxpayers. The President [Cyril Ramaphosa], must stop giving speeches, he must make sure these criminals are charged and arrested.”

“It’s our Right to Know about Accountability for corruption!” a R2K activist named Bongani added. “And we will continue picketing every Friday, from 09:30 to 11:45 at various department offices,” Mam-Mthembu continued.

On 28 September 2020, is the International Day for Universal Access to Information. The day aims to increase public awareness of our fundamental human right to information, and to pressure governments to make this right a reality,” she added.

The picketers carried posters reading: ‘#Arrest corrupt officials now!’; ‘You looted and tell us to dance Jerusalem!’, ‘#DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY! #Stop Covid-19 Corruption’; and ‘WE ARE ANGRY! WE ARE HUNGRY! PAYBACK PEOPLE’S MONEY!’.

This article was submitted on 2 October 2020. You may republish this article, so long as you credit the authors and Karibu! Online (www.Karibu.org.za), and do not change the text. Please include a link back to the original article.




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