Lawley during Coronavirus Lockdown

After the President announced the lockdown, in Lawley 2 (in the south of Johannesburg in Gauteng), nothing much has changed. People are living their life like it’s just another December holiday. Children are playing in the street. Some parents are in the house and others are busy cleaning their yard and fixing their gardens.

Even if some people want to be in their house all the time, this is hard for many. Living in an RDP house or a shack where the space is shared between five or more family members.

After reading the ‘In the Eye of the Storm’ article by Mr. Oupa Lehulere, I realised just how much of a crisis as a township we will face if have an outbreak of this COVID-19. People are not adhering to social distancing, what if one was to be quarantined in such conditions? People use taxis to go shopping, but taxis are still full and no masks or sanitisers have been provided. Even though more people are going to the shops now so they can collect their grants and buy food.

People seemed more concerned about losing their jobs than losing their lives. Some believe coronavirus is for people who travel and white people. They think the chances for them to get it is small.

We still need much education to be given to our people, some of them have no access to television and others not even the radio. Children are much more at risk because they are outside mostly. The government or police haven’t been seen or heard patrolling this side.

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