Eskom Is Keeping Festive Season In The Dark


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How Eskom has been treating the end-user is diabolical. People no longer trust the ruling party to find the solution to loadshedding which has continued beyond the promised time.

This issue has become social. For people living with chronic diseases having electricity helps them access their medication.

Nombuso Khoza (18) from Pimville, Soweto who is currently unemployed, applied at the University of Johannesburg (Soweto Campus) to study for a degree in Education.

“I get so scared when the time of loadshedding starts because the streets are not safe when it is night time, whether there is electricity, now imagine when there is loadshedding, it is scary and unsociable,” said, Khoza

“I sat for my final exams this year as a matriculant and it was hard to study for my exams due to the constant lights on and lights off situation,” added, Khoza. She said it was painful to see her peers struggle with preparations for their exams just because the government does not help the people. “Not everyone has the privilege to generators or solar panels we have to wait for the electricity to come back after 2 hours or 6 hours only then life is back to reality, it is frustrating,” said Khoza

Khoza annoyed said she hopes the NASREC conference would lead to a solution as people want to enjoy the festive season with family and not be plunged into the dark.

Amanda Mabaso (43) from Mapetla, Soweto said, “we must hold the government accountable. As South Africans, we are not angry enough, these stages do not even go according to their schedule it is depressing, to say the least.”

“I am a very sick individual, I was diagnosed with asthma when I was 6 years and it has (sic) been a sickness I have been living with since. On days when I need to use my mobile asthma machine to open my lungs that need electricity to work, it is a situation of ‘cimi-cimi’ (on and off) with this Eskom it affects me in numerous ways,” Mabaso said.

This article was submitted on 22 December 2022. You may republish this article, so long as you credit the authors and Karibu! Online ( ), and do not change the text. Please include a link back to the original article.

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